What We’ve Been Reading and Sharing Nov. 16–30

Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2019


Each day Sourcefabric shares on social media a wide range of stories affecting the converging worlds of journalism and technology. If you haven’t had the opportunity, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@Sourcefabric), Facebook (Sourcefabric), YouTube (Sourcefabric), Instagram (@sourcefabric_org), LinkedIn (sourcefabric) and, of course, here on Medium.

Sourcefabric News:

We’re happy to announce that we are now an affiliate member of OSI, a non-profit with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges in the open-source community. http://bit.ly/37nvkAS @OpenSourceOrg

Sourcefabric’s open-source technology is helping independent media to circumvent censorship in the Balkans, Caucasus, and beyond. Anna Rohleder, our Head of Communications, explained how in a recent @MediaGFMD webinar. https://buff.ly/2OsbTz9

In mid-November, the Australian Associated Press used Live Blog to chronicle the 28th MINDS conference, one of the world’s largest news agency meet-ups. Check out some of the great coverage of this important industry talk-shop on MINDS’ archived Live Blog: https://buff.ly/37yKmUh

It’s Cyber Monday, and you still have a few hours to take advantage of our holiday sale on Airtime Pro, our online radio broadcasting platform New customers get up to 4 months free when they sign up by midnight tonight, Dec. 2. https://www.airtime.pro/black-friday

Why does photo metadata matter? Read our interview with @brendanquinn of @IPTC to learn how these standards strengthen revenue streams for photo agencies and photographers, and improve how readers interact with images online. http://bit.ly/2Ky4w77

The steady decline of local news represents an erosion of democracy. Is it possible that a powerful, open-source content management system like Superdesk could alleviate some of the pressures on local news? We certainly think so. http://bit.ly/2XK927F

To improve collaboration and cross-desk transparency, @nytimes recently designed a planning tool as part of its internal CMS to help streamline newsroom workflows. We did something very similar with our open-source Superdesk Planning Component. https://nyti.ms/2rdaK5o

Open Source, Tech, Tools

The nonprofit that owns the .ORG domain registry plans to sell it to a private equity firm. Do you represent an organization that would be impacted by the sale of the .ORG domain registry? Join the fight to #savedotorg http://bit.ly/34t5lFX

In 2009, no one had the foggiest clue that GitHub would change software development forever or that Microsoft would go from open-source pariah to the world’s largest contributor. @mjasay looks back at a booming decade for open source. http://bit.ly/35HvYam via @CIO_Australia

The values of the open-source community, It turns out, are closely aligned with those of the U.N. @fkarlitschek details how the U.N. is working to make technology, software, and #IP available to all, including developing countries. https://red.ht/2Obemhl via @opensourceway

This free course from the Thomson Foundation is a great way for journalists to brush up their skills and keep up with all the ways the modern newsroom is being transformed in the digital age. Enroll any time in their self-paced, online course: http://bit.ly/2XzygWu @thomfound

Publishers can monitor key metrics that measure the health and growth of their digital communities. There are a number of engagement tools they can leverage for this mission critical job. http://bit.ly/336XEno by @MKaramlou via @INMAorg

Want to view old web pages or find a site that has suddenly gone offline? Here’s how researchers can access cached web pages using @Google, the @waybackmachine, and other tools. http://bit.ly/2Klm2eC by @Jason00Cohen via @pcmag

The State of Journalism

A new and timely report from @risj_oxford @UtrechtUni and @STGEUI considers policy options the European Union and EU member states can pursue to create a more enabling environment for a stronger, independent media. http://bit.ly/2XW39Vk

Trust in the news media has been steadily dropping since the late 1970s, hitting a low point with the recent proliferation of online fake news. @TrustingNews lists five things journalists can do to regain that trust. http://bit.ly/2XLGif6 by @mayerjoy

Local Journalism

Developing contacts and establishing links to a new local community can be a challenge for any reporter. @journalismnews looks at how journalists from year-old MyLondon were able to develop a local patch and land news scoops. http://bit.ly/35xSYbX by @jpgjournalism @myldn

False claims can present themselves differently based on region. @journalismnews looks at 5 news organisations on 4 continents and how they deal with misinformation specific to their region. @LMAfrican @olisohr @puzzlesthewill @Farhadist @govindethiraj http://bit.ly/2CG6Swg

Fake News, Misinformation

Tim Berners-Lee has launched a global action plan backed by more than 150 organisations to save the web from political manipulation, fake news, privacy violations and other malign forces. http://bit.ly/33hVBgz by @iansample via @guardian @timberners_lee

A study from cybersecurity firm @CHEQ_Inc found that the spread of online misinformation and fake news is among the world’s top global risks, and now costs the global economy $78 billion annually. http://bit.ly/35xOWjI by @lauriesullivan via @mediapost




We build open source tools for journalism, including Superdesk, Live Blog and Airtime. http://www.sourcefabric.org